
Final report on online consultation

This report contains the results of pursuing stakeholder dialogue between the workshops and attempting to reach a widescale multilingual consultation by using the digital collective intelligence platform Assembl. This deliverable is linked to Task 4.3. associated to the online consultation in the Stakeholder engagement Work Package (WP4) and to the Deliverable 4.8 presenting the collective intelligence online platform used for the online consultation. The online consultation was opened from June 3 to August 28, 2019 and had the objective to align circular economy European, national, regional and local policy and funding, and understand various priorities across the European territory. The consultation invited circular economy stakeholders to share their vision of the circular economy objectives to be achieved by 2030 across various themes (plastics, construction, food, etc.). This consultation followed a first benchmark of circular economy funding programmes in the EU, a definition of key priorities circular economy Research & Innovation, and a survey to understand programme owners and funders' needs for a joint programming platform. This report presents a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the online consultation, on both participants and content. It also contains a series of key learnings and recommendations for the following actions of the CICERONE project.

Stakeholder engagement